Spine Specialist


Understand Your Spine Properly

At Back In Shape Cheltenham, we have specialist technologies to help those with spine injuries that cause lower back pain and sciatica. This is all underpinned by a deep knowledge of the spine based on thousands of cases, X-Ray’s and MRI’s of the spine from patients over the years.

For some with particularly challenging cases of lower back pain, spinal analysis is the only way to really understand your spine.  This involves the referral for load bearing X-ray imaging taken in the standing position. From there, detailed analysis of the spine, be it the neck or lower back helps identify the weaknesses that your spine is facing, and where possible what can be done to restore normal alignment. 

It is important to understand that the vast majority of those with low back injuries have normal alignment, however, if you’ve tried many treatments without success and had MRI’s which revealed limited information, this level of detailed analysis might just hold the keys. 

What You Can Expect

To be clear, assuming something is found that is significant, this does not eliminate the need for you to continue with your spine strengthening program. It will however lead to a select few additions or slight tweaks that will help tailor things a little more to your alignment challenges.

You’ll need to reach out to the team to arrange an appointment and mention that you’re interested in spinal analysis.

During your consultation we will discuss your case history as well as other factors and provided clinically relevant you will be referred for Imaging.

At the time of booking the team will make you aware of the nearest imaging centres are, based on your address.

As soon as the images are available, the team will analyse the images and create the report ready for your next appointment.

This is the part that matters, the team will sit down with you and go through exactly what is going on with your spine. This will include a Spinal Biomechanics Report which we carry out in house, as well as a general radiologist report provided by the imaging centre.

These appointments are really rewarding and seeing people who’ve been struggling with their back pain or sciatica finally feel like the understand everything and are empowered to move forward is wonderful. All too often imaging is taken and practically disguarded, with no attempt to educate the patient on their body. It makes such a huge difference and this is why we encourage you to ask any questions that come to mind, where there to help you!

MRI & X-Ray Imaging

Understand Imaging Better

A common question that has come up time and time again over the years is the distinction between MRI and X-ray imaging, with many under the impression that one is superior to the other. The only way to understand this is with the questions “what for?” and “for who?”. To help you better understand the role of imaging in your back or neck pain recovery, check out the two podcast episodes below with their accompanying detailed articles which will give you everything you need to know.


IDD Therapy

Spinal decompression

K-Laser Therapy

Class IV Laser

Vibration Therapy

Release Muscle Tension

Spinal Adjustment

Instrument Joint Mobilisation

Fixing Low Back Pain


Just what you need if you’ve been struggling with any of the following: